Icare Projects

Here are some of the projects we have worked on to fulfill our mission. Feel free to contact us if you want to start a project with us. We aim to start projects globally, wherever we can empower marginalized communities or encourage sustainable ideas. This is visible in our international board members which come from many different countries.

Icare Sustainably

Our Projects


Plastic recyling Kenya

Our aim is to start a plastic plant in Kenya. This will give employment to many people. Also, it will be a revenue stream for Icare as an organization.

Nov - Dec 2020

Omnipreneurship Awards

The Al-Dabbagh Group is involved in chicken meat production. They have launched a 1 million dollar competition to find a sustainable solution for their excess chicken waste. Icare contributed an innovative idea.

24 Sep 2020

Global act for SDG’s

Icare shared an article on all its platforms online on “How to adapt SDG4 “Quality education” and SDG 10 “Reduce inequalities” to the new pandemic situation for ACT4SDGs.


Explorers for the Global Goals

Our vice-president Carolyne participated in field testing materials for this project by ‘the World’s Largest Lesson’.

Start sept 2019

Start SDGs for schools project

This projects teaches students about the SDGs and empowers them to start their own projects such as planting trees.


Icare Founded

Icare is founded by five passionate individuals from five different countries to fight for a sustainable world. 

Technology for Equality in Education

We strive for digital transformation to enable marginalized communities to use technologies for education and development. Often lack of access is what keeps those communities from joining the mainstream economies.

Plastic recycling plant Kenya

The goal is to establish a plastic recycling project in Kenya in 2021. The project will offer job opportunities to people with varying educational backgrounds. This project is a social enterprise, which means that part of the profit goes back to the community and part of the profit is used to finance Icare Sustainably as an organization.

Sustainable Development Goals for schools

With this project, we start clubs in schools to teach students about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through those clubs, we motivate the students to start their own projects to work on the goals. An example of that is planting trees in Hill school Kenya.

Training to uplift communities and local NGO's

We aim to train communities, people and other NGO’s with the right skills and technologies to uplift their own homes. This can be both through online courses and hands-on in the field. In this way, we spread the know-how to live sustainably.

Start a conversation with us

Icare Sustainably is interested to make connections with new people. Send us a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Also, send us a line when you have a question or remark about our articles or other content on the website. Let's empower marginalized communities together.

14 + 11 =


We are a team of international individuals who are socially and environmentally conscious and seek to bring change in the world by using sustainable solutions that improve livelihoods in marginalized and rural communities.