
Mentor youth to grow innovative ideas and technologies for their communities to incubating sustainable ideas.


Implementing livelihood projects that are environmentally friendly to ensure a green and bright future for marginalized communities.


We’re working to create sustainable, long-term solutions that will help marginalized communities not only survive, but thrive.

News on projects of Icare

Articles on progress of the SDGs

Mexico: Community tourism to reach the SDGs


Mexico community boat trip

COVIDiSTRESS global research project: SDG 17


Black guy putting on a facemask

Indigenous people in Colombia during COVID-19


Colombia rural scenery

Icare Sustainably leads the new generation to become sustainability leaders

Youth Empowerment

Icare’s aim is to empower young people with great ideas from marginalized communities. By mentoring them, the youth start projects in their own communities considering environmental and social sustainability.

Youth empowerment and leadership is crucial to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The youth builds the future, it is up to us to enable them to do it in a sustainable and environmental-friendly way.

Icare's objective is to create a sustainable future for marginalized communities

An example of Icare’s current projects

Icare Digital academy

Icare is developing a series of digital resources to inspire and aid youth from marginalized communities and grassroot NGOs to do their work better.

We have discovered many have important ideas, but they lack access to digital sources or funding streams. Icare is mentoring them how to develop a project and to access the global network.

The end goal is to have a digital academy where anyone can learn those vital skills. Currently, we are mapping the needs and capacity of such an academy. Do you want to help us? Fill in the survey below

Icare digital academy survey

SDG4Schools & SDG4Universities

The SDG for schools project was launched at Hill School Primary in Eldoret in 2019, Kenya. The project aims to encourage students to be aware, to care, to share, and help support the achievement of the SDGs. At the end of the project, students start their own project to reach the SDGs in their own community. An example of that is planting trees at Hill School Primary.

In 2020 Icare has started work to take the project to universities. The aim is to increase awareness of the SDG among university youth and to mentor them to start a project combining livelihoods and SDGs. The aim is to give youth perspective for employment after university.

Webinar series youth empowerment

Together with a team from South-East Asia, Icare is conducting a webinar series. The title of the series is:

‘‘Responsible youth leadership inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals

The aim is to motivate youth to consider the SDGs when building their careers. Also, we teach  youth involved in NGO work how to do their work best.

Topics of the webinars are finding a mentor, mental health, project development and more. Find a recording of our first webinar together with JCI Dhaka Cosmopolitan on our youtube channel.

The webinar recording.


Partner with Icare Sustainably International

Icare is open to partnerships with organizations who share our vision and goals. The most important Sustainable Development Goal is number 17: Partnerships to achieve the goals. Together we stand strong.

Currently, Icare is active in Kenya, Bangladesh, Philippines, Colombia, India, Sri Lanka and the Netherlands. Our vision is to be a global organization with branches in countries all over the world. We believe in sharing our successful non-profit project, so they can benefit marginalized people, and especially youth, globally. 

Our vision states clearly that everyone deserves a sustainable and equitable development for a sustainable future. 

Do you want to support us in our goal by becoming a partner, volunteer or by donating? Email us through the contact form below


Start a conversation with us

Icare Sustainably is interested to make connections with new people. Send us a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Also, send us a line when you have a question or remark about our articles or other content on the website. Let's empower marginalized communities together.

12 + 11 =


Our attention as AAR Healthcare Eldoret team to Icare Sustainably International was drawn by
how they presented their well detailed proposal on how to tackle climate change and SDGs for
schools. Under the stewardship of Carolyne the event was coordinated flawlessly, with that success
story our team is committed to work with Icare Sustainably International in future events
whenever they call on us.

Robins Mutai


We are a team of international individuals who are socially and environmentally conscious and seek to bring change in the world by using sustainable solutions that improve livelihoods in marginalized and rural communities.